Cobra Pose
Wind Removing Pose
Full Locust Pose


Locust Pose

Bow Pose

Fixed Firm Pose

Half Tortoise Pose

Camel Pose
Rabbit Pose
Head to Knee with Stretching Pose
Spine Twisting Pose
End - Final Breathing

An effective way to learn and stimulate the brain is through physical movement. As we progress through life we experience many situations that can leave visible or invisible marks on our bodies and minds. In some circles it is referred to as "karma". It is like scar tissue, reminders of the past, often less pleasant things that happened to us. Our amazing survival instinct overrides and serve to help us endure and move on with our lives even when such things are stuck on us.
Our physical bodies are living history books for all our experiences. When an experience that had a profound impact on our life leaves a residual mark, the stain can stay with us for a very long time, sometimes hold us captive or render us immobile due to pain and effect our day to day. We intuitively seek relief. It's constant. If we find a way, we are better able to handle life. Healing is possible through yoga. It can unlock areas frozen in time.
It is important to stay active and to keep moving. We have the capacity to learn how to use our bodies to undo damage. You always start with what you can manage. With persistence and determination a little more is unlocked each time until you are free.
Following are illustrations of the floor postures in the Bikram Yoga sequence. It shows the correct alignment with emphasis on the key focal points of each posture. When you implement a little patience and trust, you will be able to move nearly as freely as illustrated. It is a proven effective sequence that has delivered on promises again and again.
It is advised to practice on a regular basis to experience gradual improvement with long term results.
Starting with Savasana, also known as dead body pose. This resting pose in Bikram yoga helps the body relax and recover after the more active poses. It's a key part of the Bikram yoga series. It is one of the most important yoga poses.
It calms the body and relaxes the nervous system
Improves circulation to the muscles with fresh oxygenated blood
Relieves stress, teaches self discipline and helps you focus